Everybody has a buddy to lean on and this is my leaning post.He is full of opinions and advise,all free.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Yes, I said food, at my aunts house
Hi Joe:
The other day I was informed of a very dear friend of the Family that had passed on. We were of course greatly saddened about this and we sent our condolences and made the visitations and finally the funeral.
After all this was done there was a light lunch served and then that’s when I had a reflection from no where about food. Yes, I said food. The best memories I had about this person was the way she prepared certain dishes of food only unique to her, flash back to what ever time it was.
When I was eating a certain type of sandwich I had a thought pop into my mind about where it was I first eat this type of food. Why, yes it was at my aunts house and I was only little guy and yet the taste of this sandwich at age 60, invoked a flash back to when I was 8 or 9 yrs old.
I remember walking to my aunt’s house and as we neared I could smell the pungent aroma of her peonies bushes which were in bloom and the heady scent as I walked by and into the cool of the back porch. There she was in her apron with a plate of small cut sandwiches and cool lemonade made from real lemons not a mix.
She was of the opinion as long as I can make it fresh as it was intended to be there was no store purchased mixes brought in to the house, and she was right this was the most delicious lunch I had ever eaten and since then there were fewer occasions to have this treat again.
Funny things happen when you grow older as a child and as an aunt to this child; the magic of that moment is so special that to repeat it too many times it doesn’t have the same feel about it.
But, every time I have a sandwich that is made with this type of mixture and after the first bite, I let the thought of that special day float back into my mind and just for a few precious moments I am that little boy at my aunts house on that special day and time, that I have forever hopefully embedded in my mind to enjoy as often as I wish.
Oh, Lord to be a kid again and enjoy all that life had to give, small pleasures only unique to that little boy, that grew up and it was not until I was 60 years old did I realize I had this ability to slide back to more pleasant times that I enjoyed so much.
On a more serious note if this becomes a regular habit, is it possible to slide back and stay there? More, on this subject in my next letter to you all.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Christmas 2012 -- Birth of a New Tradition
Dear Joe;
I got this as a e-mail and I want to share with you and everybody else.
As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Canadians with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods -- merchandise that has been produced at the expense of Canadian labor. This year will be different. This year Canadians will give the gift of genuine concern for other Canadians. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by Canadians hands.
Yes there is!
It's time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to fit in a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper? Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificates from your local Canadian hair salon or barber?
Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some health improvement.
Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, Canadian owned detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or a book of gift certificates. Don’t forget the Health Food store, it has more ways for you get better if you wish.
Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plunking down the dollars on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful gift receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course.
There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town Canadian with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.
How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by the Canadian working guy? Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day.
My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is struggling to get his repair business up and running. OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.
Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theatre. Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.
Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand Chinese lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of lights, about fifty cents stays in the community. If you have those kinds of bucks to burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a nice BIG tip.
You see, Christmas is no longer about draining Canadian pockets so thatChina can build another glittering city. Christmas is now about caring about us, encouraging Canadian small businesses to keep plugging away to follow their dreams. And, when we care about other Canadians, we care about our communities, and the benefits come back to us in ways we couldn't imagine.
Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussion groups -- throw up a post on Craig list in the Rants and Raves section in your city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations, and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about each other, and isn't that what Christmas is about?
BUY CANADIAN - BE CANADIAN - The job you save might be your own.
Sounds like an old fashion Christmas from yesterday.!!
It's time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to fit in a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper? Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificates from your local Canadian hair salon or barber?
Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some health improvement.
Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, Canadian owned detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or a book of gift certificates. Don’t forget the Health Food store, it has more ways for you get better if you wish.
Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plunking down the dollars on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful gift receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course.
There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town Canadian with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.
How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by the Canadian working guy? Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day.
My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is struggling to get his repair business up and running. OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.
Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theatre. Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.
Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand Chinese lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of lights, about fifty cents stays in the community. If you have those kinds of bucks to burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a nice BIG tip.
You see, Christmas is no longer about draining Canadian pockets so that
Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussion groups -- throw up a post on Craig list in the Rants and Raves section in your city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations, and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about each other, and isn't that what Christmas is about?
BUY CANADIAN - BE CANADIAN - The job you save might be your own.
Sounds like an old fashion Christmas from yesterday.!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
4 (Four) remotes for 4 different functions
4 (Four) remotes for 4 different functions
where 1 (one) will control all of them.
As simple as the cavemen are, we are blessed of been technically savvy about our stuff.
The picture you see here would not be a common one in the caveman’s domicile or would it,………..hum, let me think about that.!! 5, is better.!!!!
We could sit down and have a beer and read the manual and decide which remote would suit the purpose. As strange as it sounds we are the same caveman that would not ask for directions.
So, as funny as it seems, you would have 4 remotes, it’s ok because you aren’t alone out there. So, as long as they keep making stuff that needs a caveman, we are all going to be happy. When the day comes, and this process stops, civilizations, will cease.
Machines, will be your masters, and will you manage to survive ??? no,maybe or you will be ….screwed. The, caveman will continue to do well. Amen.
Monday, October 22, 2012
The time share lizards and career oriented marketers .
Hi Joe:
This is what I call people that call us up and try to sell or ask for money for insignificant causes, in our minds. We have call display, but they use the unknown name and number, which I will answer because our doctors and certain other agency people use this method.
I know you don’t like them either, but I have to do is to get them from calling me back. I guess I give them such a good challenge that they use my number for training purposes to see if they got the “right stuff”. I bet it’s the last ordeal before they are set free to bother the world, so to speak.
They can’t pronounce our last name, so when they ask for either one of us by our first names, I say I can take a message or call you back later. “Hello, is Mr. Brush there”?. (sometimes they get the first name wrong). Sometimes the hard core lizard ignores your request and keeps talking ,so I have to short stop him with some questions.
I do apologize to those who have a cultural drawl, I can’t understand you, so that’s why I just hang up.
“Sorry, my mom is calling me, oh, fuck-head, dinner is ready”, gotta go.
There is no use to continue when I can’t understand your dialect and there is a 2 second delay as well.
Its piss off that they use off shore call centers and take away the work from the country that provides most of the wealth that these companies profit from. The curds.
In this way I tie them up with nonsense questions and delay or discourage them so they will hang and try again later and I continue to annoy them with the same tactic. If the number comes up we don’t answer and let it go to the answering machine.
And if I am really up to I will use a ethnic voice from the “New Deli” answering service, area and see what that creates. And for those of you who think I am shit for doing it, you are right.
What’s your name, again, please.
Do you mind if I record our conversation?. Good stall tactic, they want to know why….make up a story.
Where are you calling from ,your name of the company. Stalling, them so more.
What’s your position there. Stalling them, as they question you why,. make up a story.
Do have any authority to your job title. Another stall, this causes some questions. If you’re not, a cup of coffee and one hour of your time, I can show you how to change that. (to be your own man, to live a good life, to give your kids an education so they don’t have to scrounge for a living).
Answer: Why I am asking is, to qualify you to be sure you have legitimate reason to be calling here.
And if you don’t then our conversation is over and I will be going. Good bye. Understand??. Stalling and
making the call longer and non productive for them.
Because my time is important and your interruption is not significant to me.
Good by and have a nice day and I hope you find a job where you can be your own man and only have to ask one question of your self, what is important for me to-day?, .make the money or waste my time.? No, see??
Good bye again.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Cavemen are all well.
Dear Joe;
Just to let you know the Cavemen are all well since, “duh Leafs” had decided to go out early and start to work at greener pastures such as the garden centers and golf greens to pay back the ticket purchases we spent on their dismal performance this year. I, thought I saw a few in the Russian minor leagues.
Since, we have started this petition we have noticed other people want to do the same and its even reached the national news. We plan to keep it small and just be a nuisance the club until they pay up or promise to give us seats for the next season. Fat chance, of that happening, but we are persistent and we will see what happens.
What’s the worst that could happen, we get a restraining order and we counter with a “are we bothering you order” and continue as usual. I, am sure they would rather pay up and be rid of us because you know those newspaper capitalist’s are just looking for some stuff to print.
We have offered up the names of certain players to the “carpet bowling league” in case they are in need of caddies. I, don’t if that’s what they call them, but sure beats been called a ball n pin chaser. Whatever, we will have to come up with a name just for those sports.
Our team did not qualify this year, too “many young guys” and we could have made it, if we traded off a few of us, but that’s not the point. We worked and trained all winter to be who we are and be dammed if a under age rule is going to bust up the team.
Maybe we can play “slow pitch” and in this league, performance counts a little but it’s the fun of been part of a group that enjoys fair play and malted beverages, all in reason. Most of us will qualify and even get a “seniors discount” if there is enough of us.
I love baseball, “its bin, very, very, goud to me”. Later Joe, I hear the love of my life calling and it ain’t dinner time, so it must back to work time.
p.s. still watching Hockey, life is grand, we don’t care who wins, because they deserve it.
And if they don’t play soon, guess what, we will watch the “old Leaf games on Leaf TV.
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If yoo not play the game You no play with me. |
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Musings of an old guy.
I would usually write to this to Joe because he has interesting slant on life and he is my rock of strength so to speak. I don’t ask for his advice, I get it and its free and I don’t agree with it sometimes.
His answers provide more thoughts and ideas for my writing or running of the brain which is given to the paper we all read. I call them my ramblings. I beat around the bush to tease you and then I give you the truth as far as I am able, writers privileges.
Joe, should have been a therapist because of his manners but he said no, I want to have a job where I am free of the world’s problems carried by so few people, and our hats off to the professionals that have chosen to help guide us thru life’s road of mystery.
Having said that there are people that are born to do this and those who wish they could. If, we could get the right person the first time how simple life would be, personal opinion and I am not slamming those who are not proficient at their job. Somebody has to do the work.
They just make it more stressful to get proper help and continue to mend on the road of life. This covers all professionals in the all the fields, even the almighty plumber. As humble as this job is, its one of the most important in our lives. Try and remember when the last time you had a bathroom problem and you know what I mean.
Just to get in that frame of mind, turn off the water to the main vanity and cover it over and use the one downstairs until the plumbers shows to fix your blockage, while you are it cover over the mirror as well and only cold water for the tub or shower. Life is grand.?
To easy, ok, now the pooper isn’t working, scramble for the throne. Its not a pretty picture is it.? As humble as this man is he is able to make a house call and help you, when the last time you had that kind of service.?
Be a good story to write about. Sorry, I am off topic or am I?.
Anyway, I am going to try and persuade Joe to become a internet shrink and have a disclaimer that it “ works for me, does not mean it will work for you”. Joe, the plumber, the shit is theoretically to run downhill but sometimes it don’t.!!
Who, can you call??. Write or call me now and we can flush this problem together. Inspiring isn’t it. Well, it’s a stretch, but if you are at wits end, how bad can it get??..............,are you thinking about it or not??.
Just to get you in the proper frame of thought, “your shit does stink and you aren’t alone”.
“I was contemplating life”
Dear Joe;
Preamble: This is about my brother-in-law. Why, am I writing about him??.. Does knowing someone for over 40 years give anyone this privilege?. I am not sure, maybe that can be another story. I have the utmost respect for this guy, I mean he has to deal with me and that is a challenge onto its self.
Maybe, I shouldn’t and forget about it. This maybe an invasion of a persons privacy. But, I did talk to him about it and he says go ahead and publish it, I mean how bad can it be.? Tuff dude.??. he has the same schmaltziness as a stone.
That’s a lot of knowledge accumulated over time and it’s a fact that our lives seek predictable paths. I, am writing this under the assumption that if it were me, I would have similar thoughts.? As a matter of fact, this is exactly, what I, would said or done, if it were me too.!!.
So, to continue; This, was in response to a question”, I asked him, what were you thinking”?. From a picture taken showing a melancholic gaze staring out into space, where for a moment your thoughts are….???. When I shot this picture I had no idea it would turn out so unusual. So, when I reviewed it, well it just begs the question” what “?
His answer, “I was contemplating life” : a simple statement, those few words, have summed up his basic function in nature in that very moment he breathed out those words . What, did he mean by this statement, he never offered anything else beyond those words. His practical answer says it all. What, my best guess is, gut feeling if you will. “piss off and mind your own business”.?
Or did he think, “Am, I doing what I believe in, ” ,is what I have done to this point in my life worth the struggle?. Is there any one who gives a flying shit about what I have done or am I just a man that is the taking up space In the vastness of the universe, who-t-f-am-i.?
In my opinion, this is a judgment of his life so far. He has realized that life is short and there are things that didn’t bother him before, now have some significant weight in their reality. This type of thinking, which has impacted him more than he has realized and it’s a troubling thought that will not go away.?
As often as he thinks about it, he more than often tries to not to accept the facts as they are. We are all guilty of that. Denial, or Acceptance, ………. (maybe., the thoughts of his own mortality). I believe we all think about it frequently. More so, when a death occurs of someone dear to you .
You know what, you are never going to be ready for your ending days. It will show up one day like an unexpected bill and you have a certain amount of time to pay. And you know what your response is when you get one of those.?., wtf, I thought I just paid this.??.
Its strange when you don’t want something, you receive it and when you really want, something you never get it and be careful what you wish for. Words from your Mother. Sorry, I do digress, easily.
Yes, there were many things that digress that moment to occur and if you believe in Karma, perhaps. This is a fact some people can’t fathom to complete their lives.
It’s the kind of thing that occur to many people when the reality of the moment finally makes a connection in your head that you never knew before or ignored or weren’t enlighten to notice.
Some of us call it a gut feeling or something. But, this is far greater than that and when you experience this emotion, a lot of bits and pieces become obvious as in an asteroid field. A diversity of things that laid dormant, are reawakened and you experience a premonition and see more of yourself and you cringe at the discovery of why you are.
This will occur at a Family picnic or reunion. Then, you get a moment and the thought just comes outta no where and you are in the zone, with a melancholic gaze staring out into space.
Either, that or you are having a stomach spasm and its painful.
Conclusion; well, there is no gray, its black or white.?.!! Your value system determines what your mind set is. My aim was to write and not insult anyone, sometimes I fall short .
What’s for dinner, Chef’s Surprise.?
Hi Joe;
Its raining to-day and I don’t feel like working outside so I will write you all a letter. There is a question that I hear more than any other around here, what’s for dinner.? The boys always seem to be hungry and snack all day and then when it comes to dinner, they aren’t hungry.???
There are choices on what will be served on any given day. You ask and if you get enough of the same answers you can serve it. If the answers are different, then there is a discussion, short and sweet, Nana decides, its going to be this.
The boys are not picky eaters but will not always eat what’s for supper either. I, am old school, here’s what’s for dinner and if you don’t like it, then have bread and butter. Amen. Nana will give them an alternate choice and so they are happy. Nobody likes my choices.!! No, wonder they love snack time at bedtime, they get the junk they want.
I call them nibblers or grazers, eat and run. They don’t as a rule, eat at the table. Its at the couch, at the coffee table or just eat it at the counter. Sometimes, they will eat at the table, but its in a hurry, gotta go play. Well, that will explain why they are skinny and always hungry.
So, we can have rice casserole (garlic bread with everything) or noodle casserole or noodle and cheese and ham or soup and grilled cheese garlic bread or chili or pergogies with bacon and onion or chicken dinner or ham and scallops or pork or beef with mashed pot-a-toes and gravy, Kraft dinner, cabbage soup, its great, keeps you gassy all night and they will turn their noses up and say “I can’t like this”.!!
Microwave dinners, again, don’t you get tired of eating that, pre-processed stuff?. Michelina’s lasagna alfredo with broccoli and cheese or Stouffer’s Pastaria aka linguine coronary with bacon.??, or Mac and cheese, which has some source of calcium. Its still icky. Even if its made in the USA.!!.
Chefs surprise, is what I make and I don’t tell them what it is, not even Nana and she gets very annoyed at me. Well, that’s what you get when “the Chef-de-Jour” is let loose. And two choices, Chefs Surprise or nothing or wait till snack time. Saturdays, are fend for yourself, too busy around here.
The Chef has never gone hungry, gone skinny a few times, but never hungry. If you all is hungry you will eat even if its “liver “ served in a mild tomato sauce and side order noodle nuggets and Texas tufted onions. and this ain’t the Chat n Chew I am running here, so you get what you get.
Bathroom reno's???,suck.!!
Dear Joe;
How are you to-day. Sorry, I am have been busy or I thought I was or I slipped into another dimension and just come back. Well, the misses is bent on doing something to the bathroom, again this time its going to happen.
This all started when the neighbor across the street decided to do some work on hers and then it went from just this, to just that and maybe this and that over there. You know what the man ended replacing everything in that bathroom.
She was so pissing happy with the job that she decided to put the house for sale and wants to move. “wtf”, I sure hope the misses is not going down the same path because I ain’t moving.
It turns out that they were planning to sell anyway and the bathroom was the last thing to be done and then they would move. Shit, I will do the bathroom as long as there is a understanding,” we ain’t moving”.
You know those little boys just love playing in the bathroom and if I can only keep the little guy from swimming in the toilet I would be happy. For some reason he thinks it’s a perfect dive tank and he does his best to swim under water.
You know what goes on in the toilet and this guy is happy as hell playing there and it ain’t a wonder he hasn’t caught “stuff” from this tank. I clean this toilet everyday and I sure wouldn’t want to swim in there.
But the cat thinks its her private watering hole and they lap the water from. Well, its sure is cold water but I am sure it’s the salt that they are after. Geezer, I just some shivers thinking about those dumb critters drinking from there.
I use just vinegar to clean so nobody should get ill from it, so I guess I better just keep the door closed and monitor the situation.
We looked around at several stores and the store downtown has the best selection and will even custom fit the vanity exactly, to what we need for just a few dollars more than the box store. The box store says, ”this is all we carry” you can make it fit, can’t you??.
It going to fun, maybe but I will working on this and I have only 5 days from start to finish, because its only bathroom with a toilet, tub and shower. I, love working under pressure, it makes you feel alive, don’t it. Yes, it time for another pill, I am starting to enjoy myself.
Write to you later, Joe and good luck with your tax return and no I don’t have any extra to give.!!. The kids are having a fund raiser, tell you all about it later.
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The amount of refreshments allowed to the project. When its gone, si,senor' its gone.!! |
A note about Nothing.
Dear Joe:
Thank you for your letter and I am glad your back is getting mended. I bet your misses is also relieved that you aren’t as affectionate as usual, so it’s a good thing, every body gets a break. But, you need to keep the back stretched just like at work, over backwards and ankles behind your ears.
Some of the Family are going on a road trip to Needles in California and will travel for 5 to 6 days ,taking their time to warm up. I can’t bear to hear them talk about it, so my misses fills me in with the details.
My woman can be a reporter, she is so vivid in her descriptions, its makes your mouth water listening to the stories. And soon I can picture my self behind the wheel trucking down the road. I, rather it be a motorcycle for a while until it rains, any ways.
Her brother from the “Big Smoke” has convinced us to go and visit them for a week down there and defrost. My wife don’t need to be asked twice and we are all booked to travel down in March.
So, I will going there to defrost and get some rest, I hope I can and just recharge myself and then party for a while as well. I am good to go with the right crowd and I hope this is a good time for my misses whom needs it as well.
Sometimes when I repair things and I hit my fingers or cut them or scratch them, I swear as well. That is ok if the wee guys are not within ear shot and hear you. True to their image they repeat word for word just like a parrot. And this brings up the question from the wife, why do you swear?.
There are several reasons and depends on the circumstances that makes this usage of the verbs possible. The kids are taking plurals and pronouns, maybe this may qualify as a teaching aid??. I think swear words have no septic gender or English definitive phrase, so they are a stand alone composition.
Lets, be serious we all swear and for no other reason, other than we are unable to find an automatic response that is political correct and inclusive, like the city councilors and the Lords Prayer. And suitable for children, NOT,. Happening.
Besides my wife knows the answer and feels like pushing my buttons and like a junk yard dog, I go for it.
A long time ago when the fore fathers were roaming the earth looking for paradise and they were lost, first set of swear words emulated from here. ”where in the hell are we”? ,most certainly to the point.
This is now repeated every year at different times and they are called, Family Vacations”. And I am sure when repairs had to made to stature of the Ark and its descendants, a set of words were also used. They were to comment on the situation at hand not so much as instructions but frustrations with a project going poorly.
These words were of encouragement to warn people to stay away or risk a thumping or a verbal barrage of insults to show not so much love or dislike but again with the shit happening, what are you going to say,” the Lords Prayer.?., it would have been better is my wife’s response.
At this point I am ready to go back to the problem at hand and I will remember to cuss under my breath while I am singing , “we are the champions”, also under my breath, with so much breath holding, sewer words will have no place at this time. In my opinion they have to be blasted out at 90 decibel’s.
It releases the tension on the problem and it’s a good time to stop have a beer and think this thru again and come up with an alternative solutions or say screw it and come back later. After all, if its worth doing, its worth doing right.!
When I'm Gone
When I'm Gone
When, I come to the end of my journey,
And I travel my last weary mile.
Just, forget if you can, that I ever frowned,
And remember only the smile.
Forget, unkind words I have spoken,
Remember, some good I have done.
Forget, that I ever had heartache,
And, remember I've had loads of fun.
Forget, that I've stumbled and blundered,
And, sometimes fell by the way.
Remember, I have fought some hard battles,
And won, ere the close of the day.
Then, forget to grieve for my going,
I would not have you sad for a day.
But, in summer just gather yellow flowers,
And remember the place where I lay.
And come in the shade of evening,
When, the sun paints the sky in the west.
Stand for, a few moments beside me,
And remember only my best .
Author Unknown
We want to be remembered like this no matter our
Lulu and a faux pas about eggs.
*Preamble: another true story, talk about been lucky, lucky, lucky. Its, not what you say, its what is misconstrued, that gets a debate going, such as I have done. So, this is what I am writing about, with no interruptions.
To-day, its about a statement that I made about eggs, from a chicken. Envision the scène; It was a warm and sunny day in the back yard of the condo and as luck would have it, a “women” was there and of course, I, make a faux pas about eggs.
Because of the circumstances that occurred I nicknamed her “ Lulu” and I don’t remember if it was spoken out loud or psychologically became apparent ??.(this could be another story) . Its what goes thru your mind when you face arrogance. No matter, make it so Mr. Worf.
By definition a lulu is; An outstanding example of a particular type of person or thing. i.e. “outstanding in the field”, and can think what ever you want.!
And I should mention that she is a friend of my son’s, either that or give out her name. Hey, Gwen, which would you prefer.??., neither, ok, I got it.!!. Readers, please strike the name “Gwen” from your reminiscence. You didn’t read a thing and for-getta-bout-it, ok.
I, don’t know how it got started but my response come out as “eggs are vegetables” and then there was a petite discussion of what I had said and it came down to “you can’t out argue me / or out think me”, a challenge again from this women. Hmmm???, go for it.
I was thinking “eggs are edible” and you heard “vegetables” which I could have said, but that’s not what I meant and I didn’t get a chance to explain myself. It was not easy to get in a word.!!
Disclaimer: although I was in the area of the malted beverages I did not par take of them.!
And I never drank or quaffed any. Now, that’s a bummer, eh?. Looking, back at all of this, I should had the beer and discussed the merits of it as a food source. And I would have mentioned eggs any way?.
So, my thoughts were quickly turned to a “defend mode” because you were challenging and not giving me a chance to start any rebuttals. Aka, (your-hoof-in-my-mouth), sound familiar?.
“So, Yeah, of course, have you ever heard of, egg-plants?.” Try, that on for size. Is, that eggs are vegetables enough for you.?
And I stand by my opinion that an egg is edible and has many purposes in a lacto-vegetarian divergent way.(I don’t know if it has any allusion to the subject?) not been a pure vegan precludes me from any intellectual dialogue, with this person, now or ever!.
Because, this can be disputed. And, for the record, Gwen, “you have to get up early in the day to stay even with me” and silence does not mean I agree or do I lack an answer back??., I was been courteous as I deferred my reply, with a raison d'être! I, rest my case and you say what??.
You may rejoinder or just concede there is no match to be had. Thank you, for the amusement and I bid you, adieu., .. I, didn’t want to be moneyed or eminent and I have achieved that plateau rather easily, so I have impertinence.
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