Monday, October 22, 2012

The time share lizards and career oriented marketers .

Hi Joe:

This is what I call people that call us up and try to sell or ask for money for insignificant causes, in our minds. We have call display, but they use the unknown name and number, which I will answer because our doctors and certain other agency people use this method.

I know you don’t like them either, but I have to do is to get them from calling me back. I guess I give them such a good challenge that they use my number for training purposes to see if they got the “right stuff”. I bet it’s the last ordeal before they are set free to bother the world, so to speak.

They can’t pronounce our last name, so when they ask for either one of us by our first names, I say I can take a message or call you back later. “Hello, is Mr. Brush  there”?. (sometimes they get the first name wrong). Sometimes the hard core lizard ignores your request and keeps talking ,so I have to short stop him with some questions.

I do apologize to those who have a cultural drawl, I can’t understand you, so that’s why I just hang up.
“Sorry, my mom is calling me, oh, fuck-head, dinner is ready”, gotta go.

 There is no use to continue when I can’t understand your dialect and there is a 2 second delay as well.
Its piss off that they use off shore call centers and take away the work from the country that provides most of the wealth that these companies profit from. The curds.

In this way I tie them up with nonsense questions and delay or discourage them so they will hang and try again later and I continue to annoy them with the same tactic. If the number comes up we don’t answer and let it go to the answering machine.

And if I am really up to I will use a ethnic voice from the “New Deli” answering service, area and see what that creates. And for those of you who think I am shit for doing it, you are right.

What’s your name, again, please.

Do you mind if I record our conversation?. Good stall tactic, they want to know why….make up a story.

Where are you calling from ,your name of the company. Stalling, them so more.

What’s your position there.  Stalling them, as they question you why,. make up a story.

Do have any authority to your job title. Another stall, this causes some questions. If you’re not, a cup of coffee and one hour of your time, I can show you how to change that. (to be your own man, to live a good life, to give your kids an education so they don’t have to scrounge for a living).

Answer: Why I am asking is, to qualify you to be sure you have legitimate reason to be calling here.

And if you don’t then our conversation is over and I will be going. Good bye. Understand??. Stalling and

making the call longer and non productive for them.

Because my time is important and your interruption is not significant to me.

Good by and have a nice day and I hope you find a job where you can be your own man and only have to ask one question of your self, what is important for me to-day?, .make the money or waste my time.? No, see??

Good bye again.

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