Saturday, December 22, 2012

How I met my friend Joe

In the younger days of my youth I would ride to the BMW rallies when they were within a days ride or 10 hours. At this point of my life I was a owner of a metric bike and that was fine because I could afford it. Sometimes the Family would go and other just myself.

This machine was easy on the pocket book and therefore since I was raising up a Family of teenagers, my budget was controlled by this fact. So, I had to save just like everyone else and buy a used machine. So, it came down to “how much”?.

I bought a 1983 Honda 750 c.c. black and no extras on it. It was a good bike and I enjoyed many miles on it. I would ride to these rallies with my buddies whom had moved to Beemer’s now and that was their interest and I was invited to go.

So, our first rally was only a 8 hours away and that was perfect. Only problem was these guys now rode at 120 klicks and I was left behind. And because the bike I rode was not fuel efficient at higher speeds, I had poor gas mileage so I stopped more. So, I decided to ride at my own level of comfort, aka “see you when I get there”.

As luck would have it there was a small pack of riders that were riding at the legal limit and I fell in behind them. When we pulled in for gas, guess what,they were women. I asked if they minded if I rode with them and I was ok with being the tail gunner,(last rider). No problem and that was the best ride ever, no hurries, no worries.

The only problem I had was keeping my mind on the ride, I was thinking its time for a Beemer as all these gals were riding them expect one. Anyway we made it and the guys were waiting and they were not laughing when, I pulled up with a posse of gals.(These gals were nurses, First Aid, no problem ??)

Sure I got ribbed that was ok because it was a the spirit of the ride and now there was a story to be told and retold. The women were camped close by, so I asked to help them set up only if that was ok. A Boy Scout always ask,"hey you all need help"?.

Then I smelled gas, somebody was leaking.

It turns out it was my bike, and it was a seam separation in the front, small but still not tolerable. So, I had to go look for a shop to fix it. Saturday is a rough day to find a garage to help. I was given directions to Joe’s Shop because he was always open and he says come back on Monday.??,wth??

I had to explain that was “not from here” and I needed to have repairs done soon, because this was all the wheels I had. Well, ok, but you have to get the tank off yourself and then I will repair it. So, I parked the bike in the shade and it was already 90 in the shade and humid. It was off in a hurry and then we boiled the tank in hot water and it scratched my tank, Joe said this could happen.

So, while we were doing this I had to help him with a Dodge camper and remove the rad on it and then reinstall it. It was a hot and dirty job and I was not expecting this to happen. Then the gals came over to see if they could help and Joe says, No, thank you, but come over for lunch.

Soon all repairs are done and its 4 in the afternoon and we finally had lunch. The gals didn’t stay because of shopping but wanted to be sure the bike was ok. So, we had a nice chat Joe and I and he was going to get a bike too. He needed a new hobby. He was working too much. I mentioned my Family, he didn’t say anything about his.

When it came to pay he didn’t want anything. I said we should a cold beer and I went to get some, his friends came over and they had beer too. They never really closed the shop that day, The fact that he could help and I was appreciative was enough for them. I said I needed a calendar so I could send me a thank you card for his help and he wanted to know I got home ok.

Joe is now 80 yrs younger and has decided to put on sidecar on the Harley, his legs are getting weak. Well, the boys at the Hog shop aren't making any light bikes, so you have to adapt. Our youth has passed again.!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

True story, I am not,Judge Judy.!!

Hi Joe and Family:

Trusting this finds you well and well steeped in the Christmas preparations. With the kids, it’s the school plays and Claus parades and we have many lights in our town. True story, again and it involves my kid and the privileged delinquent next door. Looking for mischief.(rumor has it, he maybe moving in the near future, on the far side of town, even rougher out there.).

With the fresh snow fall comes fresh problems. The younger kids make little forts and snow people political correctness??.  Hell, it’s a snowman., Merry Christmas, Good tidings and good will to you and Happy New Year.

When ,I said Merry Christmas to “peter da meter reader”, what did he say, ”back at you”, wtf, I said to him and I ranted for 30 seconds and I said the next time he steps on the property, the Ninja Cat has his name. No mercy, none. “is that back at you enough for you” ?.,butt head..

Did I digress?, the older kids, the imbeciles, stupid-mutts, wreck havoc on the little guys creations. Across the street is the former neighbor family, why, because one of my kids, an older one, with a big oral cavity said for her to “go to hell and mind her own business”, opus,  not what to say to a mom in front of her little kids and …!!.

Well, in the real world, this could been handled right there on the spot. Now, with the political awareness group, it’s a fiasco. This lady comes over a blaring, yelling, turning blue and exhaling all over ,even I, Zbig-e-nuff, the biker was afraid. It was a honest rant.

“Yes, I know, but I ain’t Judge Judy, it happened over there. You handle it, write a letter to editor, don’t yell at me, its not polite, you offend me, I have rights too.! Yes, they are my kids, “make them behave”?. Look whom is speaking, yelling at the top of your voice, wanting to inflict physical damage to a certain person.??” Finger pointing and arms flailing.?? Yes, very dramatic.

“Make them behave”, Are you really, really pissed off, please call the police. Press charges, get your name on the record. Go to hell,??, Then,. please send them home And fret not.(Judge Judy says so).

Whatz, up??. Short story, the kids are not allowed to play over there……ever.!! Any toys we left over there were promptly returned. So, that’s where that went.!!. Her husband comes over and mumbles, sorry,??, no its me that’s sorry, my younger kid like to play there. NO, more kids playing with my kids, please.!! We shake hands. DONE.!!. 

Since this happened, her kids are no longer visible nor can I hear them playing outside. She must be tres’ pissed,. My kids still play outside but not near the “high voltage compound”, stay away OR ELSE.

Gotta go, the washer has buzzed, the sheets are done, time for the dryer. Housework, bah, humbug.!!

Seasons Greetings to you all politically correctness bunch and A Very Merry Christmas to the rest of you all. They have taken many things away from our core values, saying a prayer before meetings, singing God save The Queen and now messing with the Christmas spirit of people. Whose rights are being offended, non believers or the ones that still hold onto traditions steeped in our pioneer fabric.

Its a Blues Brother. Some cheese with your Whine??

If was good enough for them, its ok with me too.!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This women’s lovely face.

Hi Joe:
As I was looking for a piece of paper to do with my passport app and a picture fell into my lap. The picture ended face up and I gazed at this women’s lovely face and I wondered whom she was.

Slowly I turned the picture over as our eyes seemed to be fixed in a stare that I can call curious, why are you here.? Then I read her name, it’s the same name as my wife’s name.
How could this be, was it indeed the Grandmother I heard about for over 45 years.

I called out and asked if the name meant I had found the long lost picture of Grandma on her fathers side.? Well. that was a sudden change in plans, my quest was to find out whom I had found. Suddenly that little file cabinet had a lot traffic.

Sure enough after a few moments it was verified that indeed  this picture was of her and nobody knew where it came from. I had an idea so I voiced it and it was for me to search and report back and everyone went back to the important stuff of the day.

So, to make a short story, this picture was in a box that came from her Dads estate along with a Family bible full of dates of marriages, births and deaths. And it was put in the steel filing cabinet to be sorted thru later. So, its now years later,  this picture had worked its self to the top the pile and made its appearance.

This picture along with some other cards was sealed in a zip locked bag, so how did it get out.? , did someone look thru the pictures and forget to reseal it?. Who knows, but in this bag were other pictures of people that are related thru marriage and many post cards.

Cards were cheaper than paper letters so these were sent more often. These cards were from 1900’s and the postage was 1 cent and not much of an address, but they got thru.
If fact some these cards were please read and write back letters and poems.

I sorted thru them and placed them in a photo album and then all can see them and they were protected. For the age of them these are in “mint” condition. Luckily, Grandpa wrote on the back of the cards so you knew whom the picture was of and then you marvel at the person.

A lot of history, soldiers from the  WW 1, early Canadian farmers, young children, babies all unknown and now mostly forgotten and no body to continue the search of the ancestry, for now, maybe somebody later. The majority of these people are deceased and all there is, are pictures and letters. The Grandkids are in their 60’s, so what’s the chance they might have an interest.?.

We are here because you cared enough.!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Risqué’ e-mails, who you goanna call.?

Hi Joe:

How  the hell are you, thank you for your call about your cable box. Did you know it took a whole beer to talk you thru the process of finding out what was wrong with it.? And another beer to just recall why you had to take it back and exchange it. Be sure to call me anytime because that’s the only time I get a break and a beer because I am helping out. Yes, de Boy Scout rides again.

Since we are on the subject of the cable, did you know there are less and less people that I can send any risqué’ e-mails too?. yes, I got a few the other day and I lmao and then when I thought whom I can send this too, you are the only name on file of a smut list. Only one person that has the same sense of humor and is a biker and likes to see a nude pix (full frontal) of a frosted beer bottle and steak and a naked women, the rest.??.

The people that have found religion and are boring again, send of course e-mails with religious content and you must forward this to 75 people within 30 seconds or risk the perils that are described if you all don’t. I am very happy for them and I wish them all well. Those guys are on my did not call list and immediate spam or sooner list. I have over 75 friends but I don’t have 30 seconds to complete the task. NO, sir.!!.

Then there are the seniors list that think I am a senior or its all the e-mails about prunes and other medical problems that I didn’t know existed until I got them. Just to be sure I did a quick scan of the of the net to be sure I was “organism free”, well I know that I ain’t orgasm free. These guys would not want to see my forwards either because their pace makers aren’t combat version , they have the condo version, so you know there could be some 911 calls. No, sir not them.

So, the only other person could be my son. Now, here’s where it gets crossing the line. You see he is younger, so if I sent them to him, would I be guilty of corruption of the youth. Or could I be classed as a dirty old man, wow, I bath regular even if its only on Saturday. Some of the misses friends think I am dirty old man, must be jealous or something. Truth is, I like what I know and I know what I like and you know what I like and they know what I like and proud of it.  So, I take it there is nothing to “not like”??

*better reread that, even I am confused.(bottom line, I like what I like).

Well, enough of the horse shit I gotta get back to salt mine aka bath room pissers, those kids couldn’t hit the side of a barn with a tail wind at their backs. No, wonder little boys want to be firemen, because they can …………,and you can think what ever you want here.!!

See later.

Who are you gonna call?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pickle juice - a remedy for leg cramps - - C-Health

Pickle juice - a remedy for leg cramps - - C-Health

I found a old picture from public school

Hi Joe;
I found a old picture from public school and as I was looking at all those kids in their final year of care free living as a kid and taking a step into their own future, my mind began to turn and generate all kinds of scenarios that they could have chosen or befallen them in the next 50 years.

Of course I am in this picture as well and you know I feel like an ageless wizard,  that as I  look at these faces I see their life’s flash before my eyes. I know everything about them, all the joys, the achievements, the sadness and in some cases some of them pass before their time as their faces fade away from view while others remain.

 I get this theory from my life as it has unfolded and developed and so using this same analogy I presume they had similar paths.

 As I gaze at all these fresh young faces I wonder,
 maybe you have been thru a lot ,
and now some of you have your grandchildren in your custody.
 You are separated from your spouse,
You are remarried and a new set of kids,
Your spouse is still your best friend,
You and your spouse lead separate lives,my money,your money,
You are living alone, happy about,
You are living alone and not happy,
You are living in group home,
you are living with your kids,
your kids and their kids are living with you,(because you need each other),
 you are living with your parents and caring for them,
your parents are living and caring for you, (happens), of course,
 you are candidate for a nursing home,
you are on welfare or supported income,
you have a winter home and go there for 6 months ,
you haven’t retired, you work at a fast food place,
you are retired and own half of your home town,
you drive a exclusive SUV its new,its black,
or you drive a heap, its older and rusting,
or you don’t own a car, you lost your license, 
your kids don’t care about you and you don’t care a shit about them,
 your best friend is the pet cat or dog,
you love your grandchildren, no conditions,
you are glad to be alive and still able face each day with a smile
 what you did all night, takes all night to do and in your dreams,.
you will drink a glass of wine and enjoy it for its character, at any time..
 You enjoy watching the BBQ shows on YouTube ,……well, ??
You are glad about all lot of things, especially, that you can write this to share.

Thanks, call you later,

Happy or what ??

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Testing the Video Download.

Hi: this is a video that will make laugh.
Well, at least give you food for thought.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012



Scammer at Work.

Hi Joe:
As you can see the mutts are at it again trying to scam people for money. I copied this for you to read and I have highlighted the spelling errors and use of language that means we are dealing with a moron, albeit a smart one but still a moron.

We notifies You several times about your debt to Pay Pal Bill Me Later.

In the event that you fail to voluntary satisfy our requirements for payment
of your debt to Bill Me Later, we well have to turn to the court with the
purpose of enforced collection of a debt, witch may entail additional
expenses for you, for example, the expenses in the amount of state duty,
the cost of representative's services for the compearance, the compensa*+++tory interest
for the use or detention of money for each day of delay, and the execution free.Furthermore, in accordance with applicable law, you may be restricted from traveling
outside the territory of the country, and your property may be seized.

Based on the foregoing we offer you to pay the debt in the amount of 840.00

Monday, November 12, 2012


Its been passed to me from friends and I want to share this with you all. Thank you. We all have somebody that is was or still is soldier.

"Please wear a poppy", the lady said,
And held one forth, but I shook my head
Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there,
And her face was old and lined with care;

"But beneath the scars the years had made
There remained a smile that refused to fade.
A boy came whistling down the street,
Bouncing along on carefree feet.

"His smile was full of joy and fun,
"Lady" said he, "may I have one?"
When she pinned it on, he turned to say:
"Why do we wear a poppy to-day ?"

"The lady smiled in her wistful way,
And answered: "This is Remembrance Day,
"And the poppy there is a symbol for
The gallant men who died in the war. "

"And because they did, you and I are free;
That's why we wear a poppy you see.
I had a boy about your size,
With golden hair and big blue eyes.

"He loved to play and jump and shout,
Free as a bird, he would race about .
As the years went by, he learned and grew,
And became a man - as you will too. "

"He was fine and strong, with a boyish smile,
But he'd seemed with us such a little while
When war broke out and he went away.
I still remember his face that day.

"When he smiled at me and said good-bye.
'I'll be back soon, Mum, so please don't cry.'
 But the war went on and he had to stay
And all l could do was wait and pray.

"His letters told us of the awful fight
,(I can see it in my dreams at night),
With the tanks and guns and cruel barbed wire,
And the mines and the bullets, the bombs and the fire."

"That sure did sound like an awful fight,
But your son - did he come back alright?"
A tear rolled down each faded cheek;
She shook her head but didn't speak .

"I slunk away in a sort of shame,
And if you were with me, you'd have done the same;
For our thanks, in giving is aft delayed,
Though our freedom was bought - and thousands paid !

"And so, when we see a poppy worn,
Let us reflect on the burden borne
By those who gave their very all
When asked to answer their country's call
That we at home in peace might live.
Then wear a poppy ! - and give !

Please wear a poppy, it says: “Well done.”

Why Wear A Poppy by Don Crawford
Handwritten in pencil, and on two sheets of foolscap, Don Crawford turned this poem in to the, The Perth Courier one morning in the early 1960s, where it first saw print a few days later.

 For the next several years, and by means unknown, “Why Wear A Poppy” appeared in nearly every weekly newspaper and magazine, including LEGION, in Canada at Remembrance time, as well as foreign publications like Australia’s Anzac Appeal and Scotland’s Claymore magazine, copies of the same being sent to him.

 Some years ago, Dominion Command of The Royal Canadian Legion, produced it on slides and tape for television and radio. Schools have used it extensively for their Remembrance programs.

Donald J. Crawford died in hospital at Perth on Saturday, October 7, 2000.

They gave,so we could have.!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wine and Ipods don’t always mix??.

Hi Joe:

To-day I went to the wine store and I and my partner Kathy picked out a red wine, a three juice blend, to brew. It is a 6 week brew from Australia or beyond and the girl said it was very good.., in price and quality. We don’t as a rule wait for it to age,???, when you can drink it almost right away.

So, folks if you buy a kit with wine skins, be prepared to wait a year before you drink it, it will taste its best then and beyond and in the mean time buy a 6 week kit to drink until its ready. Law of taste versus my thirst for red wine or white, if its good.

Anyway, she also says She is leaving in 6 weeks to go to Hair Dressing School as She rather would enjoy it. Well, I am pissed because this young women is very good at Her job here and it’s the only reason I come to brew my wine,!!! !@#$%^&^*, I know people don’t like it when I say, S**t.., but I was saying P**s.

Finally, after all these years we find a person whom is to your liking, she decides to leave. Well, good for her, she has to take care of herself and I believe She will do well. Anyway, working for another person is not always pleasant. Better, you be your own boss. She will succeed, it has a lot of drive for achievement. Did, I mention She is very pretty.!!!

So, after a few test drives of wine in the store, I went home and tried out a white wine that has been in the cooler for a year. I carefully opened it and gave a pour into a small water glass, I love water glasses, for reasons only known to me, but I will share later.

I took a small inventory of its clarity, taste, color and presentation in the following measures as I sipped its nectar in stages. One glass isn’t enough, so its another glass.

And I was also measuring its alcohol content, not in any way other was I getting a buzz. So, another glass and this time I had the kids ipod tunes on some serious ear buds, hey I am liking this.

As the volume of the liquid increased in my body, so did the volume of the ITunes in my ears. Soon, I was doing the air guitar to AC  DC Ice, CD and rather well in my mind. So, the buzz factor in the wine was doing its job and I was getting deafer by the minute. It’s a 10.

I was getting loud because the boys asked to be quiet because they were watching TV and I was making up dinner, so I thought. Maybe I was doing the dishes from dinner, hum, don’t know. But, the tunes were getting better and better. No wonder the beavers like the ipod in their ears.

Reality, no longer exists, I am an I Pod freak and no longer attached to this earth.?? What’s this, my wife has taken the ear buds away from me, I am grounded, oh well life is short and I just sampled a small bit of it. No, wonder my kids are zombies.!!! No more Ipods for you.!!

Bye Joe, later man.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I think this could work!!. Patriotic Retirement Plan

Dear Mr. Harper,

Please find below our suggestion for fixing
Canada 's economy.

Instead of giving billions of dollars to banks that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.

You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:
There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force.                               
Pay them 1 million dollars each severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

1) They MUST retire.
Ten million job openings - unemployment fixed

2) They MUST buy a new car.
Ten million cars ordered - Car Industry fixed

3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage -
Housing Crisis fixed

4) They MUST send their kids to school/college/university -
Crime rate fixed??, thats a stretch.!!

5) They MUST buy $50 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week .....
And there's your money back in duty/tax etc

It can't get any easier than that!

P.S. If more money is needed, have all members of parliament pay back their falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances

If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know.

How about putting the very elderly pensioners in jail and the criminals in a nursing home..
That way the pensioners would have access to showers, hobbies and walks. They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs etc and they'd receive money instead of paying it out.

They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance.

Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.

A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell.

They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.

They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool and education.

Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on request.

Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens.

Each senior could have a PC, a TV, radio and daily phone calls.

There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.

The criminals would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised. Lights off at
8pm, and showers once a week. Live in a tiny room and pay $300.00 per week and with little hope of ever getting out.

More points of contention: [Think about this...]


Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in
Alberta years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the barn?

And, they even tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 125,000 illegal immigrants wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Yes, I said food, at my aunts house

Hi Joe:

The other day I was informed of a very dear friend of the Family that had passed on. We were of course greatly saddened about this and we sent our condolences and made the visitations and finally the funeral.

After all this was done there was a light lunch served and then that’s when I had a reflection from no where about food. Yes, I said food. The best memories I had about this person was the way she prepared certain dishes of food only unique to her, flash back to what ever time it was.

When I was eating a certain type of sandwich I had a thought pop into my mind about where it was I first eat this type of food. Why, yes it was at my aunts house and I was only little guy and yet the taste of this sandwich at age 60, invoked a flash back to when I was 8 or 9 yrs old.

I remember walking to my aunt’s house and as we neared I could smell the pungent aroma of her peonies bushes which were in bloom and the heady scent as I walked by and into the cool of the back porch. There she was in her apron with a plate of small cut sandwiches and cool lemonade made from real lemons not a mix.

 She was of the opinion as long as I can make it fresh as it was intended to be there was no store purchased mixes brought in to the house, and she was right this was the most delicious lunch I had ever eaten and since then there were fewer occasions to have this treat again.

Funny things happen when you grow older as a child and as an aunt to this child; the magic of that moment is so special that to repeat it too many times it doesn’t have the same feel about it.

But, every time I have a sandwich that is made with this type of mixture and after the first bite, I let the thought of that special day float back into my mind and just for a few precious moments I am that little boy at my aunts house on that special day and time, that I have forever hopefully embedded in my mind to enjoy as often as I wish.

Oh, Lord to be a kid again and enjoy all that life had to give, small pleasures only unique to that little boy, that grew up and it was not until I was 60 years old did I realize I had this ability to slide back to more pleasant times that I enjoyed so much.

On a more serious note if this becomes a regular habit, is it possible to slide back and stay there? More, on this subject in my next letter to you all.

Its the Bruce

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Christmas 2012 -- Birth of a New Tradition

Dear Joe;
I got this as a e-mail and I want to share with you and everybody else.

As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Canadians with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods --   merchandise that has been produced at the expense of Canadian labor. This year will be different. This year Canadians will give the gift of genuine concern for other Canadians. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by Canadians hands.
Yes there is!

It's time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to fit in a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper? Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificates from your local Canadian hair salon or barber?

Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some health improvement.

Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, Canadian owned detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or a book of gift certificates. Don’t forget the Health Food store, it has more ways for you get better if you wish.

Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plunking down the dollars on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful gift receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course.

There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town Canadian with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.

How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by the Canadian working guy? Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day.

My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is struggling to get his repair business up and running. OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.

Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theatre. Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.

Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand Chinese lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of lights, about fifty cents stays in the community. If you have those kinds of bucks to burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a nice BIG tip.

You see, Christmas is no longer about draining Canadian pockets so that
China can build another glittering city. Christmas is now about caring about us, encouraging Canadian small businesses to keep plugging away to follow their dreams. And, when we care about other Canadians, we care about our communities, and the benefits come back to us in ways we couldn't imagine.

Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussion groups -- throw up a post on Craig list in the Rants and Raves section in your city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations, and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about each other, and isn't that what Christmas is about?

BUY CANADIAN - BE CANADIAN - The job you save might be your own.

Sounds like an old fashion Christmas from yesterday.!!

We are doing for him,them,our future.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

4 (Four) remotes for 4 different functions

4 (Four) remotes for 4 different functions
where 1 (one) will control all of them.

As simple as the cavemen are, we are blessed of been technically savvy about our stuff.
The picture you see here would not be a common one in the caveman’s domicile or would it,………..hum, let me think about that.!! 5, is better.!!!!

We could sit down and have a beer and read the manual and decide which remote would suit the purpose. As strange as it sounds we are the same caveman that would not ask for directions.

So, as funny as it seems, you would have 4 remotes, it’s ok because you aren’t alone out there. So, as long as they keep making stuff that needs a caveman, we are all going to be happy. When the day comes, and this process stops, civilizations, will cease.

Machines, will be your masters, and will you manage to survive ??? no,maybe or you will be ….screwed. The, caveman will continue to do well. Amen.

Eugenics in education: Healthy boy banned from public school due to genetic makeup

Eugenics in education: Healthy boy banned from public school due to genetic makeup

Monday, October 22, 2012

The time share lizards and career oriented marketers .

Hi Joe:

This is what I call people that call us up and try to sell or ask for money for insignificant causes, in our minds. We have call display, but they use the unknown name and number, which I will answer because our doctors and certain other agency people use this method.

I know you don’t like them either, but I have to do is to get them from calling me back. I guess I give them such a good challenge that they use my number for training purposes to see if they got the “right stuff”. I bet it’s the last ordeal before they are set free to bother the world, so to speak.

They can’t pronounce our last name, so when they ask for either one of us by our first names, I say I can take a message or call you back later. “Hello, is Mr. Brush  there”?. (sometimes they get the first name wrong). Sometimes the hard core lizard ignores your request and keeps talking ,so I have to short stop him with some questions.

I do apologize to those who have a cultural drawl, I can’t understand you, so that’s why I just hang up.
“Sorry, my mom is calling me, oh, fuck-head, dinner is ready”, gotta go.

 There is no use to continue when I can’t understand your dialect and there is a 2 second delay as well.
Its piss off that they use off shore call centers and take away the work from the country that provides most of the wealth that these companies profit from. The curds.

In this way I tie them up with nonsense questions and delay or discourage them so they will hang and try again later and I continue to annoy them with the same tactic. If the number comes up we don’t answer and let it go to the answering machine.

And if I am really up to I will use a ethnic voice from the “New Deli” answering service, area and see what that creates. And for those of you who think I am shit for doing it, you are right.

What’s your name, again, please.

Do you mind if I record our conversation?. Good stall tactic, they want to know why….make up a story.

Where are you calling from ,your name of the company. Stalling, them so more.

What’s your position there.  Stalling them, as they question you why,. make up a story.

Do have any authority to your job title. Another stall, this causes some questions. If you’re not, a cup of coffee and one hour of your time, I can show you how to change that. (to be your own man, to live a good life, to give your kids an education so they don’t have to scrounge for a living).

Answer: Why I am asking is, to qualify you to be sure you have legitimate reason to be calling here.

And if you don’t then our conversation is over and I will be going. Good bye. Understand??. Stalling and

making the call longer and non productive for them.

Because my time is important and your interruption is not significant to me.

Good by and have a nice day and I hope you find a job where you can be your own man and only have to ask one question of your self, what is important for me to-day?, .make the money or waste my time.? No, see??

Good bye again.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Cavemen are all well.

Dear Joe;

Just to let you know the Cavemen are all well since, “duh Leafs” had decided to go out early and start to work at greener pastures such as the garden centers and golf greens to pay back the ticket purchases we spent on their dismal performance this year. I, thought I saw a few in the Russian minor leagues.

Since, we have started this petition we have noticed other people want to do the same and its even reached the national news. We plan to keep it small and just be a nuisance the club until they pay up or promise to give us seats for the next season. Fat chance, of that happening, but we are persistent and we will see what happens.

What’s the worst that could happen, we get a restraining order and we counter with a “are we bothering you order” and continue as usual. I, am sure they would rather pay up and be rid of us because you know those newspaper capitalist’s are just looking for some stuff to print.

We have offered up the names of certain players to the “carpet bowling league” in case they are in need of caddies. I, don’t if that’s what they call them, but sure beats been called a ball n pin chaser. Whatever, we will have to come up with a name just for those sports.

Our team did not qualify this year, too “many young guys” and we could have made it, if we traded off a few of us, but that’s not the point. We worked and trained all winter to be who we are and be dammed if a under age rule is going to bust up the team.

Maybe we can play “slow pitch” and in this league, performance counts a little but it’s the fun of been part of a group that enjoys fair play and malted beverages, all in reason. Most of us will qualify and even get a “seniors discount” if there is enough of us.

I love baseball, “its bin, very, very, goud to me”. Later Joe, I hear the love of my life calling and it ain’t dinner time, so it must back to work time.

p.s. still watching Hockey, life is grand, we don’t care who wins, because they deserve it.
And if they don’t play soon, guess what, we will watch the “old Leaf games on Leaf TV.
If yoo not play the game
You no play with me.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Musings of an old guy.

I would usually write to this to Joe because he has interesting slant on life and he is my rock of strength so to speak. I don’t ask for his advice, I get it and its free and I don’t agree with it sometimes.

His answers provide more thoughts and ideas for my writing or running of the brain which is given to the paper we all read. I call them my ramblings. I beat around the bush to tease you and then I give you the truth as far as I am able, writers privileges.

Joe, should have been a therapist because of his manners but he said no, I want to have a job where I am free of the world’s problems carried by so few people, and our hats off to the professionals that have chosen to help guide us thru life’s road of mystery.

Having said that there are people that are born to do this and those who wish they could. If, we could get the right person the first time how simple life would be, personal opinion and I am not slamming those who are not proficient at their job. Somebody has to do the work.

They just make it more stressful to get proper help and continue to mend on the road of life. This covers all professionals in the all the fields, even the almighty plumber. As humble as this job is, its one of the most important in our lives. Try and remember when the last time you had a bathroom problem and you know what I mean.

Just to get in that frame of mind, turn off the water to the main vanity and cover it over and use the one downstairs until the plumbers shows to fix your blockage, while you are it cover over the mirror as well and only cold water for the tub or shower. Life is grand.?

To easy, ok, now the pooper isn’t working, scramble for the throne. Its not a pretty picture is it.? As humble as this man is he is able to make a house call and help you, when the last time you had that kind of service.?

Be a good story to write about. Sorry, I am off topic or am I?.

Anyway, I am going to try and persuade Joe to become a internet shrink and have a disclaimer that it “ works for me, does not mean it will work for you”. Joe, the plumber, the shit is theoretically to run downhill but sometimes it don’t.!!

Who, can you call??. Write or call me now and we can flush this problem together. Inspiring isn’t it. Well, it’s a stretch, but if you are at wits end, how bad can it get??..............,are you thinking about it or not??.

Just to get you in the proper frame of thought, “your shit does stink and you aren’t alone”.

Joe,has all the fun??.

“I was contemplating life”

Dear Joe;

Preamble: This is about my brother-in-law. Why, am I writing about him??.. Does knowing someone for over 40 years give anyone this privilege?. I am not sure, maybe that can be another story. I have the utmost respect for this guy, I mean he has to deal with me and that is a challenge onto its self.

Maybe,  I shouldn’t and forget about it. This maybe an invasion of a persons privacy. But, I did talk to him about it and he says go ahead and publish it, I mean how bad can it be.?   Tuff dude.??. he has the same schmaltziness as a stone.

 That’s a lot of knowledge accumulated over time and it’s a fact that our lives seek predictable paths. I, am writing this under the assumption that if it were me, I would have similar thoughts.? As a matter of fact, this is exactly, what I, would said or done, if it were me too.!!.

So, to continue; This, was in response to a question”, I asked him, what were you thinking”?. From a picture taken showing a melancholic  gaze staring out into space, where for a moment your thoughts are….???. When I shot this picture I had no idea it would turn out so unusual. So, when I reviewed it, well it just begs the question” what “?

 His answer, “I was contemplating life” : a simple statement, those few words, have summed up his basic function in nature in that very moment he breathed out those words . What, did he mean by this statement, he never offered anything else beyond those words. His practical answer says it all. What, my best guess is, gut feeling if you will. “piss off and mind your own business”.?

Or did he think, “Am, I doing what I believe in, ” ,is what I have done to this point in my life worth the struggle?. Is there any one who gives a flying shit about what I have done or am I just a man that is the taking up space In the vastness of the universe, who-t-f-am-i.?

 In my opinion, this is a judgment of his life so far. He has realized that life is short and there are things that didn’t bother him before, now have some significant weight in their reality. This type of thinking, which has impacted him more than he has realized and it’s a troubling thought that will not go away.?

As often as he thinks about it, he more than often tries to not to accept the facts as they are. We are all guilty of that. Denial, or Acceptance, ………. (maybe., the thoughts of his own mortality). I believe we all think about it frequently. More so, when a death occurs of someone dear to you .

You know what, you are never going to be ready for your ending days. It will show up one day like an unexpected bill and you have a certain amount of time to pay. And you know what your response is when you get one of those.?., wtf, I thought I just paid this.??.

Its strange when you don’t want something, you receive it and when you really want, something you never get it and be careful what you wish for. Words from your Mother.  Sorry, I do digress, easily.

Yes, there were many things that digress that moment to occur and if you believe in Karma, perhaps. This is a fact some people can’t fathom to complete their lives.
It’s the kind of thing that occur to many people when the reality of the moment finally makes a connection in your head that you never knew before or ignored or weren’t enlighten to notice.
Some of us call it a gut feeling or something. But, this is far greater than that and when you experience this emotion, a lot of bits and pieces become obvious as in an asteroid field. A diversity of things that laid dormant, are reawakened and you experience a premonition and see more of yourself and you cringe at the discovery of why you are.
This will occur at a Family picnic or reunion. Then, you get a moment and the thought just comes outta no where and you are in the zone, with a melancholic  gaze staring out into space.
 Either, that or you are having a stomach spasm and its painful.
Conclusion; well, there is no gray, its black or white.?.!! Your value system determines what your mind set is. My aim was to write and not insult anyone, sometimes I fall short .